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Below are the printable templates for these certificates. Simply download, fill out information, and print on the purchased certificate paper.
CERTCA Chapter Appreciation (blue)
CERTCD Chapter FFA Degree (blue)
CERTDD Discovery FFA Degree (blue)
CERTGD Greenhand FFA Degree (green)
CERTHCD Honorary Chapter FFA Degree (blue)
CERTHSD Honorary State FFA Degree (blue)
CERTOA Outstanding Achievement (blue)
CERTOM Official Member (blue)
CERTOP Participation (blue)
CERTSA State Appreciation (blue)
CERTSD State FFA Degree (red)
CERTUNV General Paper Degree (blue)
Helpful tips for using the
certificate templates:
- Make a photocopy of the certificate and print the photocopy to be sure the names line up properly on the first one.
- Type into the editable areas with the information you want to appear on the certificate.
- Select print. Check print options:
a. Make sure page layout is set to LANDSCAPE
b. Make sure page scaling option is set to NONE or PRINT ACTUAL SIZE depending on your version
Some internet
browsers work better than others. If you are having trouble, try another
internet browser.

Below are the printable templates for the certificates. Simply download, fill out information, and print on certificate paper.
Chapter Appreciation (gold)
Chapter FFA Degree (silver)
Discovery FFA Degree (blue)
Greenhand FFA Degree (green)
Honorary Chapter FFA Degree (silver)
Honorary State FFA Degree (gold)
Outstanding Achievement (red)
Membership (silver)
Participation (blue)
State Appreciation (gold)
State FFA Degree (gold).
Size: 8"X10".
Helpful tips for using the certificate templates:
- Make a photocopy of a certificate and print the photocopy to be sure the names line up properly on the first one.
- Type into the editable areas with the information you want to appear on the certificate.
- Select print. Check print options:
a. Make sure page layout is set to LANDSCAPE
b. Make sure page scaling option is set to NONE.

Heavy-weight blue paper certificate holder with gold stamped emblem on front. Holds both paper and foil certificates.
This frame fits certificates given at the National FFA Convention and Expo since 2014.
Blue(1st Place)
Red(2nd Place)
White(3rd Place)
Yellow (4th Place)
Green (5th Place)
Pink (6th Place)

Personalization is available. 1 Line 30 Characters.